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7 Nutritious Fruits You’ll Want to Eat During Pregnancy

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7 Nutritious Fruits You’ll Want to Eat During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your baby-to-be depends on you to provide the nutrition they need. For this reason, it’s important to eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.

When you’re pregnant, it’s important to eat nutritious food and avoid empty calories. In fact, if you eat mostly junk food during your pregnancy, you may be setting your baby up for a lifetime of bad eating habits.
One study found that babies of mothers who eat junk food while pregnant are more likely to be addicted to a high-fat, high-sugar diet.
If that’s not enough to steer you into the produce section, consider this. Research suggests that unborn babies who do not receive proper nutrition go through permanent changes in their physiology and metabolism in utero. These changes may trigger disease later in life.
Fruits and vegetables are nutrient-dense. When you add a variety of them to your diet, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll get most of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber you and your baby need.