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Make French Onion Dip With Half the Calories

Ditch the sodium-bomb seasoning packets and sour-cream-and-mayonnaise-

laden dip (which can pack a small meal's worth of calories and sat fat into a 

single serving) for our homemade dip. And be patient with the caramelizing 

process—slowly sizzled onions have noteworthy sweetness and concentrated 

umami flavor. You'll know the onions are done when they become deep chestnut 

in color and nearly melt-in-your-mouth tender. And because no dip is complete 

without a dipper, baked sweet potatoes will satisfy your chip craving for half the 

calories of most bagged varieties. Dehydrating the potatoes in the oven before 

roasting helps them develop crispy edges and tender centers. With big flavor 

and less heft, our healthier ode to the classic is a delicious way to sneak in extra 
